

It is located in the municipality of Tezonapa, in the state of Veracruz, and the closest cities to this factory are Córdoba and Tierra Blanca.


The factory receives its raw material from 1,817 sugarcane-plantation owners, which are either commoners or small freeholders of a total of 10,105 hectares. It permanently employs 352 people during the harvest season, and 204 during the off-season repairs and maintenance.


During the 15/16 harvest season, between December and May, the mill grinded a total of 771,752 tons of sugarcane. Daily, 254 sugarcane-loaded trucks are received, and the mill has a grinding capacity of 5,500 tons of sugarcane per day.


In the 15/16 harvest season, the mill produced:

  • 534 tons of sugar per day
  • A total production of 86,034 tons of sugar
  • 100% of its production is regular sugar
  • 22,383 tons of uncrystallizable sugar
  • 6,620 MW/hr of electric power sold.

Social Responsibility:

In the Constancia Sugar Mill, through the EMALUR program, educational focused projects are carried out, including: Community Computer Center, LEGO, play center, PIPO, literacy with the Veracruz Institute for Adult Education (IVEA) and Community Library; regarding sports and recreation: summer school, fairs and volleyball team; and a third venue in the integration and development area: Sweet Awakening course, Scout group, Voluntary work and Ecological workshops.

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Responsabilidad BSM
Beta San Miguel, Paseo de la Reforma No. 350, 15th floor
Col. Juarez C.P. 06600, México, CDMX
Phone: (55) 5242.7800