

It is located in the town of Providencia, in the municipality of Cuichapa, in the state of Veracruz, where the closest cities to the Factory are Córdoba, Orizaba, Tierra Blanca and Veracruz. Its geographical coordinates are 18°45’05.7” N, 96°,46’12.8” W.


The factory receives its raw material from 4,142 sugarcane-plantation owners, where 2,459 of them are commoners, 558 are small freeholders, and 1,125 leaseholders, with a total land area of 17,604.63 hectares. It permanently employs 443 people during the harvest season, and 215 during the off-season repairs and maintenance.


During the 15/16 harvest season, between November and May, the mill grinded a total of 900,248 tons of sugarcane. Daily, an average of 241 sugarcane-loaded trucks are received, and the mill has a grinding capacity of 5,800 tons of sugarcane per day.


In the 15/16 harvest season, the mill produced:

  • 558 tons of sugar per day
  • A total production of 80,328 tons of sugar
  • 100% of its production is regular sugar
  • 22,933 tons of uncrystallizable sugar at 85°Bx and 709.61 tons of bio fertilizer.

Social Responsibility:

  • Adhered to the United Nations Global Compact since October 2012.
  • Annual Toy donation program “Jugue-Provi” for children of vulnerable communities (Selfless effort of non-unionized employees)
  • Agreements with Educational Institutions for Internship programs.
  • Residues donation (PET, cardboard, glass) to Educational Institutions where children of unionized employees assist, for its sale.
  • Permanent program of Adult Education, directed to employees and their families.
  • Internal group of Alcoholic Anonymous (sessions every week), where unionized employees and their families can participate.

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Responsabilidad BSM
Beta San Miguel, Paseo de la Reforma No. 350, 15th floor
Col. Juarez C.P. 06600, México, CDMX
Phone: (55) 5242.7800