

Ingenio San Miguel del Naranjo, is located in the municipality of El Naranjo, San Luis Potosi.


The Factory receives its raw material from 5,000 sugarcane-plantation owners, which are either commoners or small freeholders of a total of 31,000 hectares. It permanently employs 297 people in the region during the harvest season, and 196 people during the off-season repairs and maintenance.


During the 15/16 harvest season, from November to June, the mil grinded a total of 1´755,784 tons of sugarcane. Daily, 500 sugarcane-loaded trucks are received, and the mil has a grinding capacity of 9,200 tons of cane per day.


In the 15/16 harvest produced wit:

  • 838 tonnes of sugar per day.
  • A total production of 202,848 tons of sugar.
  • 55.2% of which is regular sugar, and the rest is fine sugar
  • 63,400 tons of crystallized honey.
  • 3,500 tons of compost.


  • $107,000.00 pesos are destined monthly for scholarships for children of unionized employees that study elementary, middle or high school, or college.
  • In the last year, the union committee was given $135,000.00 pesos for the purchase of sport uniforms.
  • The union committee was also given $31,000.00 for the development of inner social charity work.
  • The employees were given economical support for the payment of transportation so they could participate in the sugarcane sport games held at Boca del Rio, Veracruz.
  • We work with the State Institute for Adult Education in the literacy of unionized employees of the factory who did not know how to read or write, or didn’t get accredited for their elementary or middle school studies, and up to date there are 29 direct beneficiaries (unionized employees who received their academic advice during work hours in the factory), 92 indirect beneficiaries (employees’ families who received their academic advice in the ICAT Community Plaza) and 1 daughter of a laborer in El Sabinito refugee.
  • Through the San Miguel Voluntary Work Program, schools adjacent the factory were helped by improving their school infrastructure, being the Jorge Pasquel Casanueva and Francisco Gonzalez Bocanegra elementary schools beneficiaries of inside and outside painting of their classrooms and bathrooms, as well as reconditioning of their green areas and gardens.
  • Different voluntary works are realized: river shore cleaning in the Parque Recreativo (in the municipality capital) and the touristic park Bruja Beach  in El Sabinito. Winter clothes are collected and then distributed between the laborers and their families in El Sabinito refugee.
  • The care and preservation of the natural resources is promoted through chats with Chemist Laura Flores Flores, in schools Jorge Pasquel and Ponciano Arriaga, taking place in the World Water Day, as well as to the community on the importance of water care.
  • The World Environmental Day has been developed constantly, where the Francisco Gonzalez Bocanegra and the Emiliano Zapata elementary schools have participated, where through games, students learn how the environment can be taken care of, plant trees, clean their schools alongside their parents and teachers, and collectively learn the importance of this topic.
  • Trees donations are made to schools or dependencies who request them, and about 2,000 timber-yielding trees have been donated.
  • The sugarcane associations promotors are helped in planning and executing different activities aimed to laborers’ quality of life improvement in the El Sabinito refugee, like: cleaning and health campaigns, alongside the Health Ministry.

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Responsabilidad BSM
Beta San Miguel, Paseo de la Reforma No. 350, 15th floor
Col. Juarez C.P. 06600, México, CDMX
Phone: (55) 5242.7800