

It is located in the town of Quesería, in the municipality of Cuauhtémoc, which is located in the north region of the state of Colima, in its limits with the state of Jalisco.


The factory receives its raw material from 1,974 sugarcane-plantation owners, which are either commoners or small freeholders of a total of 18,767 hectares. It permanently employs 350 people during the harvest season, and 230 during the off-season repairs and maintenance.


During the 15/16 harvest season, the mill grinded a total of 1'425,200 tons of sugarcane. Daily, more than 310 sugarcane-loaded trucks are received, and the mill has a grinding capacity of 7,500 tons of sugarcane per day.


In the 15/16 harvest season, the mill produced:

  • 749 tons of sugar per day
  • A total production of 162,549 tons of sugar
  • 80% of its production is regular sugar, 19% is white sugar and 1% glas sugar.
  • 8,840 tons of uncrystallizable sugar
  • 7,000 tons of compost
  • 265 monthly tons of powdered sugar

Social Responsibility:

  • Ingenio Quesería Community Center (EMALUR), which offers several courses, workshops and activities for both the community and the sugarcane-shelters.
  • Monthly donation of 600 kilograms of sugar to different civil and social assistance institutions.
  • A total of about $620,000.00 pesos are given for scholarships, which are available to children of employees, as well as support for sport activities.

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Responsabilidad BSM
Beta San Miguel, Paseo de la Reforma No. 350, 15th floor
Col. Juarez C.P. 06600, México, CDMX
Phone: (55) 5242.7800